Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Migration to PoetryInDavis.com!
Instead, we welcome you all to come join us on our new website, www.PoetryInDavis.com, which will be regularly updated to include notices of poetry readings in and around Davis, in particular the bi-monthly Poetry Night Reading Series. Check out also our comprehensive list of poets and performers who have been featured at the Poetry Night Reading Series!
As always, direct any questions to poetry.indavis@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you at our new website!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Flatmancrooked Poets Read at the John Natsoulas Gallery on April 22nd at 8 P.M.
Flatmancrooked Poets Read at the John Natsoulas Gallery on April 22nd at 8 P.M.
The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to present readings from two anthologies from the Sacramento publishing house Flatmancrooked: The Slim Anthology of Contemporary Poetics – 2010, and the fiction anthology Not About Vampires. This event will take place on Thursday, April 22nd at 8 P.M. The performance will be held at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street. The first 100 guests will receive a free drink, with more free drinks with the purchase of any Flatmancrooked books.
Flatmancrooked is a full-service, independent online and print publishing house established by Elijah Jenkins and James Kaelan in 2008. Since then, they have held readings and other events on both coasts and at numerous universities, partnered on various ventures with the likes of McSweeney’s, Opium, AWP, and SxSW, and published three print books and two anthologies, with many more yet to be released in 2010 and beyond. Andy Duga, N.A. Jong, and Kevin Walsh, recipient of the 2009 Flatmancrooked Fiction Prize, will be reading their work from 2010’s Not About Vampires: An Anthology of New Fiction Concerning Everything Else. Poets Julia Halprin Jackson, Shideh Etaat, Whitey Erickson, and Poetry Night’s own Andy Jones will be reading from the Slim Anthology of Contemporary Poetics – 2010, due to be published in Fall 2010. For further information on Flatmancrooked’s current projects and to purchase any of their publications, visit them online at www.flatmancrooked.com.
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early at the John Natsoulas Gallery to secure a table, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, hosted by Andy Jones and produced by Brad Henderson, occurs on the first Wednesday of the month at Bistro 33, and this month on the third and fourth Thursdays at the John Natsoulas Gallery, at 8 P.M., with an open microphone segment at 9 P.M.
Who: Flatmancrooked poets
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, April 22nd 8 P.M.
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street
Media Contact:
Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – 756-3938
The Facebook site for this event is http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112550758772398#!/event.php?eid=102018969835098&ref=ts
You are also invited to join the Poetry in Davis mailing list on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2290130152&ref=ts
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Davis Poet Laureate Allegra Silberstein and Davis Poet Susan Wolbarst Read on April 7th as part of the Poetry Night Reading Series
Davis Poet Laureate Allegra Silberstein Reads at Bistro 33 on April 7th at 8 P.M.
Opening for Allegra Silberstein will be Davis Poet Susan Wolbarst
The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome Davis Poet Laureate Allegra Silberstein on Wednesday, April 7th at 8 P.M. She will be performing at Bistro 33 at 226 F Street.
In 2010 Allegra Jostad Silberstein was named the first ever Poet Laureate of the City of Davis. A longtime Davis teacher (now retired), dancer, and philanthropist, Allegra is known widely for her work as coordinator for The Other Voice, a reading series that takes place at the UU Church of Davis, and for her support of local writers. Her poems have been published in Poetry Depth Quarterly, The Yolo Crow, Blue Unicorn, Rattlesnake Press, Poetry Now, Iodine Poetry, Poetry of the New West, California Quarterly, and other journals. She has also placed poems in a variety of anthologies, including The Sacramento Anthology: One Hundred Poems, Gatherings, A Woman’s Place, and Where Do I Walk. Her first chapbook, Acceptance, was published in 1999, and her book In the Folds was published by Rattlesnake Press in 2005. She is currently working on a full-length book of poems.
Susan Wolbarst’s poetry has appeared in Naugatuck River Review and Poetry Now, the monthly journal of the Sacramento Poetry Center. In 2008 Susan placed first in the Sacramento Poetry Center Poetry Contest for her poem “Diagnosis,” and she won an honorable mention in the same contest for “In the Ladies Room” in 2009. A longtime Davis resident who has been published in The Yolo Crow and elsewhere, Susan Wolbarst writes poetry, short stories, and essays.
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early at Bistro 33 to secure a table, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, hosted by Andy Jones and produced by Brad Henderson, occurs on the first Wednesday of the month at Bistro 33, and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery, both at 8 P.M., with an open microphone segment at 9 P.M.
Who: Allegra Silberstein and Susan Wolbarst
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Wednesday April 7th at 8 P.M.
Where: Bistro 33
Media Contact:
Andy Jones
Bistro 33 – 756 4556
You are also invited to join the Poetry in Davis mailing list on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2290130152&ref=ts
Friday, March 12, 2010
Indigo Moor Reads his Poetry at this week's Poetry Night Reading Series
Indigo Moor Reads at the John Natsoulas Gallery on March 18th at 8 P.M.
The Poetry Night Reading Series is proud to welcome Sacramento poet Indigo Moor on Thursday, March 18th at 8 P.M. He will be performing at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 1st Street.
Indigo Moor’s most recent book of poetry, Through the Stonecutter's Window, has just been announced as this year’s winner of the nationally recognized Cave Canem Northwestern University Press Poetry Prize. His poetry has been described as vivid and soulful, exploring broad subjects from "dialogues with the visual arts to the natural world and the poet's dreams and nightmares." You may know Moor as the former vice president of the Sacramento Poetry Center, or as the author of Tap Root, a collection of poems published in 2006 by Main Street Rag's Editor's Select Poetry Series. He is the winner of the 2005 Vesle Fenstermaker Poetry Prize for Emerging Writers and the 2008 Jack Kerouac Poetry Prize; he was also a 2009 Pushcart Prize nominee. His work has appeared in various anthologies and journals, including the Xavier Review, LA Review, Poetry Now, and Suisun Valley Review. A graduate member of the Artist's Residency Institute for Teaching Artists, Moor teaches residencies and workshops across the country. For further information on Indigo’s most recent accomplishments and publications, visit his website at www.IndigoMoor.com.
Judy Halebsky trained in Performance Studies at UC Davis and is a member of Sacramento Poetry Center's Tuesday night workshop. Since 2007 she has been in Tokyo studying Japanese literature on a MEXT fellowship. Her book Sky=Empty was chosen my Marvin Bell as the winner of the 2009 New Issues Poetry Prize. This will be her first public reading from the book.
Musicians: Dylan Bolles, Mark Fuoco, Keith Cary
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early at the John Natsoulas Gallery to secure a table, and to sign up for a spot on the Open Mic list. The Poetry Night Reading Series, organized by Andy Jones and hosted this week by Brad Henderson, occurs on the first Wednesday of the month at Bistro 33, and third Thursday of every month at the John Natsoulas Gallery, both at 8 P.M., with an open microphone segment at 9 P.M.
Who: Indigo Moor
What: The Poetry Night Reading Series
When: Thursday, March 18th 8pm
Where: John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street
Media Contact:
Andy Jones
The John Natsoulas Gallery – 756-3938
You are also invited to join the Poetry in Davis mailing list on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2290130152&ref=ts
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
John Boe Performs on March 3rd
John Boe’s storytelling prowess has been featured at festivals (including the California Storytelling Festival and Picnic Day), on radio and TV (including ABC’s 20/20), at clubs (often The Freight and Salvage in Berkeley), conferences, conventions, schools, and other venues. He is author of Life Itself: Messiness is Next to Goddessness and Other Essays, and co-author of Your Joke is in the Email: Cyberlaffs from Mousepotatoes. In addition to being a storyteller, Boe is also a poet, painter, and piano player. He serves as the editor of the journal Writing on the Edge, and is an award-winning essayist. He is a lecturer for the University Writing Program UC Davis where he was the first winner of the Excellence in Teaching Award.
The event is free and open to the public, though many stories may not be suitable for children. Early arrival is encouraged, for the Bistro 33 banquet room is expected to fill to capacity for Boe’s performance.
Poetry Night at Bistro 33, hosted by Andy Jones and produced by Brad Henderson, occurs on the first Wednesday of every month at 8 P.M. with an open microphone segment at 9 P.M. For more information, visit poetryindavis.blogspot.com.
Who: John Boe
What: Poetry Night at Bistro 33
When: Wednesday, March 3rd, 9 P.M.
Where: Bistro 33, 226 F. St.
Media Contact:
Andy Jones
Bistro 33 – (530) 756-4556
You are also invited to join the Poetry in Davis mailing list on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2290130152&ref=ts
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tim Kahl and Robert Grossklaus to Perform!
Sacramento poet Tim Kahl is the author of the poetry collection, Possessing Yourself (Word Tech Press, 2009), and his poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, American Letters and Commentary, Berkeley Poetry Review, and numerous other journals. He has also translated, among others, the work of German poet Rolf Haufs, Brazilian poets Ledo Ivo and Marly de Oliveira, and the poems of Jose Saramago, the Portuguese language’s only Nobel Laureate. He currently serves the poetry community as the editor for Bald Trickster Press and as the Vice President of The Sacramento Poetry Center. He teaches at Sacramento City College.
Robert Grossklaus is a poet and musician who runs the small press and graphic design house, Polymer Grove. His poetry has been published in such publications as Poetry Now, Rattlesnake Review, Eclectica, and Liquid Ohio. His musical endeavors include the forthcoming album, Corporeal Landscapes in which he appears with the band, Litany, and he continues to create his own electronic music/poetry under the name dphunkt. He currently resides in Roseville with his wife.
Poetry Night at Bistro 33, hosted by Andy Jones and produced by Brad Henderson, occurs on the first Wednesday and third Thursday of every month at 8 P.M., with an open microphone segment at about 9 P.M. The new third Thursday events will take place at the John Natsoulas Gallery at 521 First Street in Davis.
If you have often lamented the late starting time of Poetry Night at Bistro 33, now is your chance to see what you have been missing. Join us for live poetry at a reasonable hour!
Who: Tim Kahl and Robert Grossklaus
What: Poetry Night at Bistro 33
When: Wednesday, February 3 at 8 P.M. (New Time!)
Where: Bistro 33, 226 F. St.
Media Contact:
Andy Jones
Bistro 33 – (530) 756-4556
You are also invited to join the Poetry in Davis mailing list on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2290130152&ref=ts
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
01/20: Poetry Night presents Brett Eugene Ralph
Brett Eugene Ralph is a poet, musician and college professor whose performed poets are not to be missed. Kids writer and director Harmony Korine calls Ralph “a true beast of a man with insight and beauty to spare,” and Ralph’s work has been described by musician and actor Will Oldham as “an excuse for hope . . . sustaining, inspiring, even rescuing.”
The work of Brett Eugene Ralph has appeared in publications such as Conduit, Mudfish, Willow Springs, and The American Poetry Review, as well as in the McSweeney’s Book of Poets Picking Poets and The Stiffest of the Corpse: An Exquisite Corpse Reader anthologies. His first full-length collection, Black Sabbatical, was published in 2009 by Sarabande Books. Ralph grew up playing football and singing in punk-rock bands in Louisville, Kentucky. He has taught at the University of Massachusetts, Missouri State University, and the Central Institute of Buddhist Studies in the Himalayas of northern India. He now lives in Empire, Kentucky, teaches at Hopkinsville Community College, and rocks out with his country-rock ensemble, Brett Eugene Ralph’s Kentucky Chrome Revue.
contact poetryindavis@gmail.com regarding questions or concerns